Lean Business Ireland reschedule National Conference
Following consultation with the HSE, Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland, the decision has been made to postpone our annual conference Enterprise Excellence Ireland until the 2nd December 2020.
Originally scheduled for 26th May, the event will continue to take place in Croke Park Dublin, but now at the new date of 2nd December 2020.
Monitoring and adhering to all relevant Government guidelines regarding COVID-19 and recognising the health & wellbeing of our speakers, delegates, sponsors, exhibitors, partners & staff is of the utmost importance – the correct decision to reschedule has been taken.
Lean Business Ireland will continue make every effort to assist and support you and your organisation during these turbulent and uncharted times.
For further details please visit; www.eeireland.com, or contact the event organiser Paula Dempsey (BoxMedia) – 00 353 46 9773434.
Thank you for your continued support and please stay safe!