CAROLINE GLEESON WAS a tech recruiter at Morgan McKinley where she got some valuable experience into the challenges the recruitment industry faces.
“It’s where we came up with the whole idea for seeking out a solution to improve the recruitment process,” she says.
Gleeson found that the recruitment industry and its processes weren’t quite keeping pace with other sectors that were going through intense digitisation.
“We just felt that it was a little bit dated. Around that time Airbnb, Uber and Mytaxi, all these marketplace apps were getting a lot of traction,” she says. “Quite traditional industries were being revolutionised by this technology. That was really the inspiration.”
This would be the spark for her startup, BidRecruit, founded in 2016 alongside David Banaghan.
More recruitment is coming in house, she says, and companies need tools at their disposal to be effective – a need that BidRecruit is trying to meet with its own service.